Bank Transfer
Bank Transfers are easy to set up through online banking or by contacting your bank by phone or in person. If there’s a specific desire for the money then let us know, otherwise it will be used to support the general work of the Capernwray ministry.
From the UK:
Account: The Capernwray Missionary Fellowship of Torchbearers
Sort Code: 01-01-60
Account no. 94905924
From overseas:
Account: The Capernwray Missionary Fellowship of Torchbearers
IBAN: GB97 NWBK 010160 94905924
Account no: 94905924
You can use your credit or debit card to donate to Capernwray through PayPal by using the button above. You don’t need to have a PayPal account to give in this way, and if you are a UK tax payer you can also easily GiftAid your donation.
If you would prefer not to use PayPal to make your donation please scroll down for further options. Don’t forget if you are a UK tax payer you could add 25% to the value of your donation by filling out a GiftAid form online. Alternatively, you can download a printable Gift Aid declaration form or find out more about Gift Aid here.
regular donation
Want to support us regularly with a small amount each month, quarter or year? Just download the form and return it to us. We’ll do the rest.
If Capernwray has been a blessing to you or those you love, why not consider leaving a legacy in your will – to support the ministry even after you have gone?
Give while you shop
Shop through the Easy Fundraising website and Capernwray gets a commission from what you buy — at no cost to you. What a great idea!
You can also donate money to Capernwray when you shop on Amazon through Smile. Just make Capernwray your chosen charity and we will receive a donation every time you purchase selected products.