We are grateful for all the people who regularly remember the work, staff, guests and students in prayer.


  • Pray for folks around the world who are weighing God’s leading to come to Bible School, that if this is His plan, that He will make it clear to those to apply.
  • We praise God for a wonderful term and finish to our Spring Bible School and good student departures.


  • We thank God for the opportunity to share the Gospel and teach God’s word with so many guests from different background and ages. Please pray that we would communicate Jesus clearly in word and action.
  • Please pray for our summer programme that our guests, volunteers and staff will be blessed in receiving or serving. Above all that God will be glorified.


  • A number of our staff are carrying acute health/ personal challenges in their family circles. Please pray the Lord will show His strength and peace to those impacted.
  • We praise God for our partnership in the faith with Operation Mobilisation (OM). Please pray for our joint delivery of TeenStreet UK 2024.
  • We thank God for our new music rooms and pray that this is a benefit to all our students and the community here, and that the skills and experiences grown here will encourage students to continue joining in worship when they return home.
  • We praise God for our wonderful team of volunteers who serve us so sacrificially and joyfully. God continues to provide according to our needs.
  • We praise God for our donors and supporters and thank Him for knowing our needs and providing according to His riches and will.


We regularly meet to pray for everything that is connected to our ministry and that includes you. Please let us know if there is anything specific we could pray about.

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