Our new Ministry Assistant programme, SaLT (Serving and Leadership Training) is a one-year residential volunteering opportunity that provides experience and training for developing Christians to live, serve and lead well in all walks of life. We are committed to training and equipping men and women for service in His Church worldwide. The SaLT programme is a wonderful chance to discover and develop your giftings and have the opportunity to be actively involved in helping us prepare and run every aspect of our ministry.

As a Ministry Assistant (MA) you will help with the delivery of every aspect of our Bible School and Holidays ministry. You will be organising activities and washing the dishes, you will be praying with a student and locking up the building, you will be creating seating plans and sharing your testimony. Through all these things you will be working at the very heart of all that we do, and this experience will bring you great joy and a sense of satisfaction from serving others.

I have found it so freeing to learn how to work joyfully in any job you are given.

Ministry Assistant 2023-24

While living on-site in shared dormitory accommodation you are expected to engage fully in all that Christian community life offers. All meals are provided.

This tailor-made programme has been specifically designed for our Ministry Assistants to help them grow in leadership as they serve together as a small team of 10-20 individuals from around the world. A combination of practical skills development, leadership tools and techniques, discipleship, outreach, prayer and Bible study have been thoughtfully put together to help equip you for a life serving Christ in whatever direction you are called.

Spending a year investing in my faith before going to university has turned out to be really fruitful.

Ministry Assistant 2022-23

Essential Attributes

  • Between 18-28 years old
  • Living and active Christian faith
  • Good moral character, integrity and relative maturity
  • Willingness to lead individuals to Christ and/or discuss spiritual matters
  • Good interpersonal skills (willing to initiate conversations & help guests feel at ease)
  • Prepared for hard work, early starts and late finishes
  • Ability to serve in a team and take direction
  • Ability to enthusiastically lead activities (sports, social events, quizzes etc.)
  • Able to provide 2 referees who will be in a position to comment (in English) on your suitability for the position
  • Willingness to affirm the ministry’s Statement of Faith, Mission Statement and Values
  • Above all things we are looking for people who have a passion for supporting and serving others, a desire to serve within a Christian community and help us fulfil our mission in telling people about Jesus

General Duties

  • Active involvement in preparing and delivering our Bible School programme.
  • Being available for the needs of students and guests, both routinely and spontaneously
  • Eating meals with students and guests, and giving announcements when required
  • Carrying out administrative tasks
  • Fulfilling duties in the Housekeeping, Hospitality, Administration, Sports, Grounds and Maintenance departments as designated or as chosen by you eg. if you are a lifeguard, driver or gardener.
  • Assisting with the delivery of social, outreach and (gifting and preference permitting) teaching
  • Activities during Bible School and the delivery of general activities during Holidays
  • Caring for the facilities and evening lock-up responsibilities.

Areas of Responsibility

  • Discernment and sensitivity to the needs of students and guests.
  • Initiative in taking leadership and problem solving as issues arise
  • Enforcing rules outlines in student handbook
  • Pastoral care for guests and students as needed
  • Contributing to the whole staff and voluntary worker community (attending, and where appropriate, leading meetings, Bible studies, socials, training and general discipleship)
  • Setting an example in church attendance.

What does a Typical Week Look Like?

Example 1:

Bible School planning & pastoral careOffMorning: SaLT Training Programme

Afternoon: Bible School planning & pastoral care

Evening: Worship night
Dining HallBible School planning & pastoral careStudent TripOff

Example 2:

OffMaintenanceMorning: SaLT Training Programme

Afternoon: Dining Hall
OffMaintenanceDining HallMorning: Dining Hall

Afternoon: Bible School planning & pastoral care

Example 3:

Morning: Sports

Afternoon: Bible School planning & pastoral care
MaintenanceMorning: SaLT Training Programme

Afternoon: Outreach
Morning: Sports

Afternoon: Bible School planning & pastoral care

Evening: Sports
Morning: Sports

Afternoon: Driving

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