By train

Carnforth is our closest train station with direct connections to Manchester Airport. We can collect you from Carnforth if you let us know in advance. Use the National Rail website to plan your journey and book your ticket. You can always buy tickets at the station, though it is sometimes cheaper to book online in advance. The journey time from Manchester Airport is about 90 minutes.

By bus or coach

Carnforth is our closest town. We can collect you from the bus stop in Carnforth if you let us know in advance. You can check times and reserve seats at the National Express Coaches website. We also run our own coach service for students from London Victoria Coach Station (What3Words cook/twist/rope) on the first day of each Bible School course.

By plane

Manchester is the closest airport with the best rail links to us. Liverpool John Lennon airport is also in the region. Other UK airports include HeathrowGatwickStansted and Glasgow.

By ferry

Heysham is the closest port with ferries from the Isle of Man. Ferries from Belfast arrive at Cairnryan. Ferry companies across the Irish Sea and English Channel include: Stena LineP&OSteam PacketDFDS SeawaysDirect Ferries, and A Ferry.

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