Spring Bible School is a great chance to study the Bible at a deep level for a relatively short space of time. At just nine weeks long, you could work the courses into a study break, sabbatical from work, or as part of your gap year. It is ideal for anyone who wants to develop their relationship with Jesus, gain a better understanding of the Bible, and practically apply it to life. (A longer Winter Bible School course is also available. If you apply for both courses you will receive a £500 second-course discount. We also offer Taster Weeks if you would like to experience our Bible School before committing to a full programme.)

Capernwray has been such a great place to learn biblical truth and be part of a loving and thriving community of people wanting to know more about Jesus.

Zach, Bible School Student


The main content of the course is taught by experienced and gifted teachers, meeting four key objectives, and resulting in an internationally recognised qualification – Principles in Christian Life and Service (Level 3). You will study as part of a wonderful international community in a stunning location with great facilities all for a great price that includes accommodation, activities and all your meals. You will be taught from a wide range of biblical books and a variety of theological topics through lectures, and there will be a number of seminars dealing with the practical aspects of the Christian life including managing your time and money, worship, teamwork, marriage and singleness. You will also have regular Route Planner sessions providing an overview of each New Testament book which tracks your weekly reading schedule. The specific topics and books covered during Spring School will likely include the following, though they are subject to change based on the availability of lecturers:

Old Testament

  • Deuteronomy
  • Joshua
  • 1 and 2 Kings
  • Lamentations
  • The Minor Prophets

New Testament

  • John’s Gospel
  • Colossians
  • 1 & 2 Timothy
  • Revelation

Topical studies

  • Authority and Inspiration of Scripture
  • Practical Christian Theology
  • Church History
  • New Religious Movements
  • The Church
  • World Missions

You will get the opportunity to talk with others about what you have been learning in your Family Group and Small Group Bible Study.


A core part of Capernwray’s vision is to ensure that the opportunity to study God’s Word and experience His transformational presence is available to as many potential students as possible. We are therefore pleased to introduce an extensive package of financial support for those who require it.

With tuition, food and accommodation all included we strongly believe Capernwray Bible Schools offer good value for money and consider the fees an investment well worth making.

If you apply for both Winter School and Spring School (two separate courses) you will receive a £500 second-course discount.

Standard Fees
Financially Assisted Fees
(20% sponsorship)
UK Resident Sponsored Fees
(33% sponsorship)

During the online application process (TOAS) there is a section addressing whether you are in a position to pay the Standard fees. At this point, if necessary, you can easily apply for the Financial Assistance Sponsorship (20% sponsorship for households unable to meet the full cost). 

We also have a limited number of places set aside for students who could not otherwise afford to come in the form of a Financial Hardship Fund (up to 50% sponsorship for students otherwise unable to attend, ordinarily from lower income nations or missionary families). We specifically welcome applications from such candidates, who will have an opportunity to request access to this fund during the TOAS application process. Applications to that fund are considered by Capernwray on a case by case basis.

Please note: UK Resident Sponsored Fees (33% sponsorship for students ordinarily resident in the UK) can be selected on the application form and will be applied where the student is eligible. This means that UK Resident students can attend both Winter School & Spring School in 2024-25 for under £9,000 (after application of the £500 second-course discount and the 33% sponsorship), and so receive all tuition, food and accommodation, for less than just the tuition fees at the majority of British universities.

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